"Inca Orange" by Pollination: Thanks @turquoiseOD!

Hey, we usually don't send people offsite to download music, but we'll make an exception for the "Inca Orange" album by Pollination. Why? Because it's so damn good and it's so damn free. Let's call it medium-fi industrial ambient. Mix the in-your-ear trebly psychadelia of Neon Indian, with the engimatic electronic hooks of Aphex Twin (Selected Ambient Works, Vol. II especially), and the 21st century feel good undertones of Animal Collective, and you're getting closer to the musical territory that Pollination is mapping out. That's damn good company.

Great stuff, whether you think of yourself as someone who likes electronic music or not. Download for free here and enjoy- thanks Pollination (aka @turquoiseOD on twitter)!