"I Hate Letters" by Dinowalrus: Thanks @Dinowalrus!

You'd have to go back to the psych-jam weirdness of the late ‘60s and ‘70s to find Dinowalrus' true progenitors.  Back when songs were journeys, ten minutes or more, instead of pop jackhammers incising repetitive melodies into your skull.  Though Dinowalrus doesn't quite break the ten-minute barrier on %, they find some creative ways to deliver their wide-open sound within the confines of the standard pop issue. The standout track of the album is actually two tracks, "I Hate Letters" followed by "I Hate Numbers" (apparently the only thing left not to hate is the ‘%’ sign).  The "I Hate" couplet appears to be a single continuous take, divvied up between a moody, ethereal intro and a more grounded rock odyssey that seamlessly covers and conjoins a great deal of rock and roll history in the space of around nine total minutes. 

Check out "I Hate Letters" from their latest release %, download here, enjoy, and thanks to Pop Tarts for the track!